Membrana tar-reverse osmosis STARK ta 'Kwalità Għolja 4040 RO Membrana

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STARK L-aħjar prezz 8040 membrana tas-sistema tar-reverse osmosis Kwalità Għolja 4040 RO Membrane

Reverse osmosis membrane also call ro membrane What is ro membrane?High Quality RO Membrane  The reverse osmosis membrane is the core element of the pure water machine. The principle is that under the action of higher than the osmotic pressure of the solution, other substances cannot pass through the semi-permeable membrane to remove these substances and moisture. The reverse osmosis membrane can intercept substances larger than 0.0001 microns, and is the most refined membrane separation product. It can effectively intercept all dissolved salts and organic substances with a molecular weight greater than 100, while allowing water molecules to pass through.  
Ikseb Kwotazzjoni

Deskrizzjoni tal-Prodott

Il-membrani tar-reverse osmosis huma maqsuma f'membrani tad-dar, membrani f'forma speċjali, membrani industrijali għal skopijiet ġenerali, membrani tad-desalinizzazzjoni tal-ilma baħar, membrani kontra l-ossidazzjoni, u membrani kontra t-tniġġis.
4040 membrana RO
Il-membrana tar-reverse osmosis hija membrana semipermeabbli artifiċjali b'ċerti karatteristiċi magħmula billi tissimula membrana bijoloġika semipermeabbli, u hija l-komponent ewlieni tat-teknoloġija tar-reverse osmosis. Il-prinċipju tat-teknoloġija tar-reverse osmosis huwa li taħt l-azzjoni ta' pressjoni osmotika ogħla mill-pressjoni osmotika tas-soluzzjoni, dawn is-sustanzi u l-ilma huma separati skont il-fatt li sustanzi oħra ma jistgħux jgħaddu mill-membrana semipermeabbli. Id-daqs tal-pori tal-membrana tar-reverse osmosis huwa żgħir ħafna, għalhekk jista 'effettivament ineħħi mluħa maħlula, kollojdi, mikroorganiżmi, materja organika, eċċ fl-ilma. Is-sistema għandha l-vantaġġi ta 'kwalità tajba tal-ilma, konsum baxx ta' enerġija, l-ebda tniġġis, proċess sempliċi u tħaddim faċli.

Guangdong Stark Water Treatment Technology Co., Ltd. hija kumpanija li tiffoka fuq l-impjant tat-trattament tal-ilma u hija impenjata għas-servizz ta 'riċerka u żvilupp, produzzjoni, bejgħ u wara l-bejgħ ta' prodotti industrijali ta 'purifikazzjoni tal-ilma li ma jagħmlux ħsara lill-ambjent. Il-produzzjoni u t-tħaddim ewlenin tal-impjant tat-trattament tal-ilma: is-sistema tar-reverse osmosis, is-sistema tal-ultrafiltrazzjoni, is-sistema ta' desalinizzazzjoni EDI, l-impjant tad-desalinizzazzjoni tal-ilma baħar, l-impjant tad-desalinizzazzjoni tal-ilma salmastru. Il-prodotti jintużaw ħafna fl-elettronika, l-electroplating, l-impjanti tal-enerġija, il-mediċina, iż-żejt mhux raffinat, il-kimika, l-ikel u x-xorb, l-istampar u l-indutries taż-żebgħa. Starck jistinka biex ikun l-esploratur ta 'quddiem ta' tagħmir għat-trattament tal-ilma fid-dar u barra!

1. There are many unqualified products in the market, how can you make sure your quality control?
We have passed SGS, ISO:9001,certification.Eeah pcs of the goods would be checked several times strictly before shipping,and we are glad to accept the Third- party inspection company to quality check. And we will full refund in case of any bad quality.

2.What about the delivery time?
About 7~30 Working days.

3.How about your production capacity, and how can you make sure my goods would be delivery on time ?
We have 12 production lines, six quality inspection teams, and hundreds of skilled workers who have worked for more than five years. The delay rate in the last years has been less than 0.3%. about your design ability? Do you offer OEM service?
We have our own design department, and have offered design service for thousands of cooperative partner. OEM accept and we offer confidentiality agreement "business secret contract" for your design safe.

5.Can l place a small order to test the quality?
Yes sure ,small order are also welcomed.

6.Can I visit your factory?
Sure , welcome to visit our factory.

* We will 100% inspect the products before shipment. * Transactions can be done through Alibaba's trade assurance.

Membrana RO ta 'Kwalità Għolja 

Parametru tal-Prodott

Applicable Industries:
Hotels, Garment Shops, Building Material Shops, Manufacturing Plant, Machinery Repair Shops, Food & Beverage Factory, Farms, Restaurant, Home Use, Retail, Food Shop, Printing Shops, Construction works , Energy & Mining, Food & Beverage Shops, Advertising Company
Core Components:
as customer request
1 Year
Weight (KG):
5 kg
ro membrane vontron 4040 water reverse osmosis membrane systems
working pressure:
Pure Water Process
stable rejection:
min rejection:
temperature of testing solution:
PH value of testing solution:
recovery rate of single membrane:
max feed water flow:

Industrija Applikabbli

Products are widely used in electronics, electroplating, power plants, petroleum, chemical, food and beverage, printing and dyeing industries.

Prodotti Rakkomandati

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