Sistemi 500L / H Ro RO Sistema ta 'Purifikazzjoni tal-Filtrazzjoni tat-Trattament tal-Ilma Reverse Osmosis

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Sistemi RO 500L / H Ro Pur Trattament ta 'l-Ilma Pur Purifikazzjoni Pura Reverse Osmosis Sistema Manifatturi

Commercial reverse osmosis water purification systems are used to purify water. The system is controlled by raw water pump, FRP/stainless steel pretreatment tank (sand filter, activated carbon filter), SS304 cartridge security filter housing, chemical dosing system, high pressure pump, FRP membrane pressure vessel, 4040 membrane, control panel and touch screen composition. RO Pure Water Treatment  
Ikseb Kwotazzjoni

Deskrizzjoni tal-Prodott

Reverse osmosis is the most precise membrane liquid separation technology. The operating pressure is applied on the side of the inlet water and the concentrated solution to overcome the natural osmotic pressure. 
When the operating pressure higher than the natural osmotic pressure is dropped on the side of the concentrated solution water molecules naturally permeate the flow The direction will be reversed, and the water molecules in the influent concentrated solution pass through the reverse osmosis membrane to become the purified water om the dilute solution side Reverse osmosis suitable equipment can block all soluble salts and organic substances with a molecular weight greater than 100. but allow water molecules to pass through, The salt rejection rate of reverse osmosis composite membranes is generally greater than 98%.
500LH Ro Systems RO Pure Water Treatment Filtration Purification 5
Most of our projects use DOW Filmtec, Toray, Vontron, Hydranautics, LG brands. They are well-known brands in the water treatment industry.

The reverse osmosis membrane is the core element to realize reverse osmosis, and it is an artificial semipermeable membrane with certain characteristics made by simulating biological semipermeable membrane. Generally made of polymer materials. Such as cellulose acetate film, aromatic polyhydrazide film, aromatic polyamide film. The diameter of the surface pores is generally between 0.5 and 10 nm, and the permeability is related to the chemical structure of the membrane itself. Some polymer materials have good repellency to salt, but the permeation speed of water is not good. The chemical structure of some polymer materials has more hydrophilic groups, so the permeation speed of water is relatively fast. Therefore, a satisfactory reverse osmosis membrane should have an appropriate amount of permeation or salt rejection.

Additionally, commercial RO water treatment systems can incorporate chemicals such as anti-scaling (scaling inhibitors), anti-fouling, pH adjustment, sterilization and disinfection chemicals in the pre- or post-treatment. We keep a close eye on the water treatment industry and add new water technologies to our reverse osmosis water plants.

When checking the customer's water quality analysis report, sometimes due to scaling and scaling problems, we can use the CIP (cleaning-in-place) system to clean the membrane in the membrane shell to make the membrane longer life. It is a new type of water treatment technology most used in the water treatment industry.

Enerġija elettrika ta 'sistemi kummerċjali ta' trattament tal-ilma RO

Għall-impjant ta 'purifikazzjoni tal-ilma kummerċjali jeħtieġ 220-380V / 50Hz / 60Hz. Għal kapaċità akbar speċjalment għal sistema industrijali ta 'reverse osmosis, minħabba pompa ta' pressjoni għolja, teħtieġ 380V 50 / 60Hz. Fir-rigward tad-disinn kummerċjali tiegħek tal-magna tal-filtrazzjoni tal-ilma tar-reverse osmosis, aħna niċċekkjaw il-provvista elettrika tiegħek u niddeċiedu li nirranġawlek l-enerġija. Ukoll, għandna xi metodi ta 'ffrankar tal-enerġija biex tnaqqas l-ispiża elettrika, Chunke teknoloġiji ġodda tat-trattament tal-ilma jgħinuk tnaqqas l-akbar spiża tiegħek għat-tħaddim tas-sistema.

Qabel ma tixtri Sistema Kummerċjali ta 'Purifikazzjoni tal-Ilma, għandek tkun taf:

1. Kapaċità ta 'Produzzjoni ta' Ilma Pur (L / jum, L / Siegħa, GPD).

2. It-TDS tal-Ilma tal-Għalf u r-Rapport dwar l-Analiżi tal-Ilma Mhux Maħdum (il-prevenzjoni tal-problema tal-fouling u l-iskalar)

3. Il-ħadid u l-manganiż għandhom jitneħħew qabel ma l-ilma mhux ipproċessat jidħol fil-membrana tal-filtrazzjoni tal-ilma tar-reverse osmosis

4. TSS (Solidu Sospiż Totali) għandu jneħħi qabel il-membrana tas-sistema ta 'purifikazzjoni tal-ilma kummerċjali.

5. SDI (Indiċi tad-Densità tal-Silt) għandu jkun inqas minn 3

6. Kun żgur li s-sors tal-ilma tiegħek m'għandux żejt u grass

7. Il-kloru għandu jitneħħa qabel is-sistema kummerċjali tat-trattament tal-ilma

8. Vultaġġ u fażi tal-enerġija elettrika disponibbli

9. It-tqassim tal-post għas-sistema kummerċjali ro reverse osmosis Speċifikazzjoni tal-Operazzjoni għal Sistemi Kummerċjali tat-Trattament tal-Ilma RO   

TDS tal-Ilma tal-Għalf: 0 - 1000ppm

Ebusija fuq 18ppm Teħtieġ dożaġġ antiskalanti

It-turbidità għandha


Max. Temp tal-Ilma tal-Għalf: 42 °C

Jopera b'Riżultati TDS Ogħla Aktar Baxxi


H2S għandu jiġi


tolleranza tal-pH: 3-11

Max. Kontenut tal-Ħadid: 0.05ppm


Pressjoni tal-Ilma tal-Għalf: 1.5 sa 6 bar

Tolleranza Max. Silika: 60ppm


Contact us to learn more about our industrial reverse osmosis systems and commercial RO water plants. Our sales team and technical team will be happy to share new water treatment technologies for your project.
 RO Trattament tal-Ilma Pur

Parametru tal-Prodott

STK-RO-500L technical parameter

Motor power:1.5kw
Recovery rate:90% 
Qutlet water conductivity:≦10 μs/cm 
Raw water conductivity:≦300 μs/cm 
500LH Ro Systems RO Pure Water Treatment Filtration Purification 3

Industrija Applikabbli

They are widely used in the preparation of industrial pure water and electronic ultra-pure water for drinking, In the process of pure water production and boiler feed water, the use of reverse purification equipment before ion exchange can greatly reduce the discharge of operating water and waste water.

Prodotti Rakkomandati

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