STARK Household Water Purifier Reverse Osmosis System Reverse osmosis kummerċjali

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75GPD Reverse Osmosis Alkalin Purifikatur tal-Ilma tad-Dar 5 stadju purifikatur tal-filtru tal-ilma

75GPD Household Water Purifier  The household reverse osmosis water purifier can reach 5 levels of filtration, the main filter element is the industry's top Dow membrane, and the RO membrane has a service life of up to 5 years.In the case of ensuring high flow rate and large flux, the durability and energy saving of the filter element are also taken into account. The rated volume reaches 7200 liters, and the ratio of pure wastewater is 2:1.
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Deskrizzjoni tal-Prodott

Household water purifier reverse osmosis pure water machine
The water purification system of pure water machine is based on reverse osmosis membrane. The part before reverse osmosis membrane can be called pretreatment and the part after reverse osmosis membrane is called post-treatment. Reverse osmosis pure water machine is a set of microfiltration, adsorption, ultrafiltration, reverse osmosis, ultraviolet sterilization, ultra-purification and other technologies in one, the tap water directly into the ultra-pure water device. Reverse osmosis (RO) membrane is the core component of reverse osmosis pure water unit. The pure water produced by reverse osmosis pure water mechanism is fresher, more sanitary and safer than the bottled water. It has a wide range of USES.

75GPD household ro water purifier system
1-il-preċiżjoni tal-filtru RO hija 0.0001 um, tagħmel l-ilma ffiltrat 100% ilma pur 2-ħames stadji filtru tal-iskartoċċ, jista 'jinxtorob direttament materjal ta' grad ta '3 ikel, kun żgur li tixrob ilma nadif u sikur. 4-faċli biex tinstalla, daqs żgħir, filtru tat-tip plug 5-quick, faċli biex tissostitwixxi l-iskartoċċ tal-filtru 6-tista 'tagħżel 6 stadji, 7 stadji, 8 stadji 7-bi 3.2G tank tal-pressjoni tal-ilma

Parametru tal-Prodott

Mudell NW-RO50-B3LS3
X'kien libsin 5 - 8 stadju RO sistema
Kapaċità 50/75/100 GPD
Tip ta' flaxxjatura Awtomatiku / Mauual-Flush
Pompa Pompa booster tad-dijaframma
Faucet Azzar
Provvista tal-enerġija 220V / 110V 50HZ / 60HZ
Membrana RO VONTRON jew CSM jew FCS jew JCM
Tip ta' Twaħħil Twaħħil malajr
Tank tal-pressjoni Tank tal-plastik 3G jew tank tal-azzar 3.2G
Ippakkjar ta' unità 38 * 25 * 72cm

Industrija Applikabbli

Electronics, electroplating, power plants, medicine, petroleum, chemical, food and beverage, printing and dyeing indutries. 

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